

You currently have no active profiles. Give Now

Important, please read!
Fellowship of the Parks is excited to announce that we've transitioned to a new Church Management and Giving System. The new system is called The Rock. This system gives us much more functionality for a fraction of the cost.

Because this is a new system, you will NOT be able to log in to this giving system with the same UserID and Password you used in ChurchTeams. Simply click the blue Give Now button above and the system will walk you through making your donation. Once you complete your first donation, you'll have an opportunity to save/create an account in the new system. We encourage everyone to do this as you'll be able to manage your giving, sign up for events & groups, sign up to serve, easily submit Connection Cards, and manage your own Growth Track.

Click this link to ChurchTeams (the old system) where you can login with your user id and password to manage that giving. Here's the link itself in case you need to copy and paste it in:

Here is a document that outlines how to make a one-time donation, or an automated donation in The Rock. It also includes information how to stop your old automated transactions in ChurchTeams:  How to Make a One-Time Donation or Setup New Automated Giving and Stop Old Automated Giving

Thank you for your continued generosity in supporting the vision of Fellowship of the Parks - A Family For Everyone.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the office at 817-741-3687 or email us at